.. raw:: latex \clearpage .. doctest:: :hide: >>> import wntr >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pylab as plt >>> import pandas as pd >>> pd.set_option("display.precision", 3) >>> try: ... wn = wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel('../examples/networks/Net3.inp') ... except: ... wn = wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel('examples/networks/Net3.inp') .. _graphics: Graphics ====================================== WNTR includes several functions to plot water network models and to plot fragility curves, pump curves, tank curves, and valve layers. Networks -------------------- Basic network graphics can be generated using the function :class:`~wntr.graphics.network.plot_network`. A wide range of options can be supplied, including node attributes, node size, node range, link attributes, link width, and link range. Node and link attributes can be specified using the following options: * Name of the attribute (i.e., 'elevation' for nodes or 'length' for links), this calls :class:`~wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel.query_node_attribute` or :class:`~wntr.network.model.WaterNetworkModel.query_link_attribute` method on the water network model and returns a pandas Series with node/link names and associated values * Pandas Series with node/link names and associated values, this option is useful to show simulation results (i.e., ``results.node['pressure'].loc[5*3600, :]``) and metrics (i.e., ``wntr.metrics.population(wn)``) * Dictionary with node/link names and associated values (similar to pandas Series) * List of node/link names (i.e., ``['123', '199']``), this highlights the node or link in red The following example plots the network along with node elevation (:numref:`fig-network-2`). Note that the :class:`~wntr.graphics.network.plot_network` function returns a matplotlib axes object which can be further customized by the user. .. doctest:: :hide: >>> fig = plt.figure() .. doctest:: >>> import wntr # doctest: +SKIP >>> wn = wntr.network.WaterNetworkModel('networks/Net3.inp') # doctest: +SKIP >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_network(wn, node_attribute='elevation', ... node_colorbar_label='Elevation (m)') .. doctest:: :hide: >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> plt.savefig('plot_basic_network.png', dpi=300) >>> plt.close() .. _fig-network-2: .. figure:: figures/plot_basic_network.png :width: 640 :alt: Network Basic network graphic. Additional network plot examples are included below (:numref:`fig-network-3`). This includes the use of data stored as a Pandas Series (pipe velocity from simulation results), a dictionary (the length of the five longest pipes), and a list of strings (tank names). The example also combines multiple images into one figure using subplots and changes the colormap from the default `Spectral_r` to `viridis` in one plot. See https://matplotlib.org for more colormap options. .. doctest:: >>> sim = wntr.sim.EpanetSimulator(wn) >>> results = sim.run_sim() >>> velocity = results.link['velocity'].loc[3600,:] >>> print(velocity.head()) name 20 0.039 40 0.013 50 0.004 60 2.824 101 1.320 Name: 3600, dtype: float32 >>> length = wn.query_link_attribute('length') >>> length_top5 = length.sort_values(ascending=False)[0:5] >>> length_top5 = length_top5.round(2).to_dict() >>> print(length_top5) {'329': 13868.4, '101': 4328.16, '137': 1975.1, '169': 1389.89, '204': 1380.74} >>> tank_names = wn.tank_name_list >>> print(tank_names) ['1', '2', '3'] >>> fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 5)) >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_network(wn, link_attribute=velocity, ... title='Pipe velocity at hour 1', link_colorbar_label='Velocity (m/s)', ax=axes[0]) >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_network(wn, link_attribute=length_top5, link_width=2, ... title='Longest 5 pipes', link_cmap = plt.cm.viridis, ... link_colorbar_label='Pipe length (m)', ax=axes[1]) >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_network(wn, node_attribute=tank_names, ... title='Location of tanks', ax=axes[2]) .. doctest:: :hide: >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> plt.savefig('plot_subplot_basic_network.png', dpi=300) >>> plt.close() .. _fig-network-3: .. figure:: figures/plot_subplot_basic_network.png :width: 800 :alt: Network Additional network graphics. Interactive plotly networks --------------------------------- Interactive plotly network graphics can be generated using the function :class:`~wntr.graphics.network.plot_interactive_network`. This function produces an HTML file that the user can pan, zoom, and hover-over network elements. As with basic network graphics, a wide range of plotting options can be supplied. However, link attributes currently cannot be displayed on the graphic. .. note:: This function requires the Python package **plotly** :cite:p:`sphc16`, which is an optional dependency of WNTR. The following example plots the network along with node population (:numref:`fig-plotly`). .. doctest:: >>> pop = wntr.metrics.population(wn) >>> wntr.graphics.plot_interactive_network(wn, node_attribute=pop, ... node_range=[0,500], filename='population.html', auto_open=False) .. _fig-plotly: .. figure:: figures/plot_plotly_network.png :width: 640 :alt: Network Interactive network graphic with the legend showing the node population. Interactive Leaflet networks ------------------------------------------ Interactive Leaflet network graphics can be generated using the function :class:`~wntr.graphics.network.plot_leaflet_network`. This function produces an HTML file that overlays the network model onto a Leaflet map. Leaflet is an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps. More information on Leaflet is provided at https://leafletjs.com/. The network model should have coordinates in longitude/latitude. See :ref:`modify_node_coords` for more information on converting node coordinates. As with basic network graphics, a wide range of plotting options can be supplied. .. note:: This function requires the Python package **folium** :cite:p:`folium`, which is an optional dependency of WNTR. The following example using EPANET Example Network 3 (Net3) converts node coordinates to longitude/latitude and plots the network along with pipe length over the city of Albuquerque (for demonstration purposes only) (:numref:`fig-leaflet`). The longitude and latitude for two locations are needed to plot the network. For the EPANET Example Network 3, these locations are the reservoir 'Lake' and node '219'. This example requires the Python package **utm** :cite:p:`bieni19` to convert the node coordinates. .. doctest:: >>> longlat_map = {'Lake':(-106.6851, 35.1344), '219': (-106.5073, 35.0713)} >>> wn2 = wntr.morph.convert_node_coordinates_to_longlat(wn, longlat_map) >>> length = wn2.query_link_attribute('length') >>> wntr.graphics.plot_leaflet_network(wn2, link_attribute=length, link_width=3, ... link_range=[0,1000], filename='length.html') .. _fig-leaflet: .. figure:: figures/interactive_network.png :width: 640 :alt: Network Interactive Leaflet network graphic. .. raw:: html The interactive Leaflet network graphic is included below.
Network animation ---------------------- Network animation can be generated using the function :class:`~wntr.graphics.network.network_animation`. Node and link attributes can be specified using pandas DataFrames, where the index is time and columns are the node or link name. The following example creates a network animation of water age over time. The ``node_range`` parameter indicates the minimum and maximum values to use when mapping colors to ``node_attribute`` values. .. doctest:: >>> wn.options.quality.parameter = 'AGE' >>> sim = wntr.sim.EpanetSimulator(wn) >>> results = sim.run_sim() >>> water_age = results.node['quality']/3600 # convert seconds to hours >>> anim = wntr.graphics.network_animation(wn, node_attribute=water_age, ... node_range=[0,24]) # doctest: +SKIP Time series ------------------ Time series graphics can be generated using options available in Matplotlib and pandas. The following example plots simulation results from above, showing pressure at a single node over time (:numref:`fig-timeseries`). .. doctest:: :hide: >>> fig = plt.figure() .. doctest:: >>> pressure_at_node123 = results.node['pressure'].loc[:,'123'] >>> ax = pressure_at_node123.plot() >>> text = ax.set_xlabel("Time (s)") >>> text = ax.set_ylabel("Pressure (m)") .. _fig-timeseries: .. figure:: figures/plot_timeseries.png :width: 640 :alt: Network Time series graphic. Interactive time series -------------------------------- Interactive time series graphics are useful when visualizing large datasets. Basic time series graphics can be converted to interactive time series graphics using the ``plotly.express`` module. .. note:: This functionality requires the Python package **plotly** :cite:p:`sphc16`, which is an optional dependency of WNTR. The following example uses simulation results from above, and converts the graphic to an interactive graphic (:numref:`fig-interactive-timeseries`). .. doctest:: >>> import plotly.express as px >>> tankH = results.node['pressure'].loc[:,wn.tank_name_list] >>> tankH = tankH * 3.28084 # Convert tank head to ft >>> tankH.index /= 3600 # convert time to hours >>> fig = px.line(tankH) >>> fig = fig.update_layout(xaxis_title='Time (hr)', yaxis_title='Head (ft)', ... template='simple_white', width=650, height=400) >>> fig.write_html('tank_head.html') .. doctest:: :hide: >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> plt.savefig('plot_pump_curve.png', dpi=300) >>> plt.close() .. _fig-interactive-timeseries: .. figure:: figures/interactive_timeseries.png :width: 640 :alt: Network Interactive time series graphic with the tank heights for Tank 1 (blue), Tank 2 (orange), and Tank 3 (green). .. raw:: html The interactive time series graphic is included below. Fragility curves ----------------- Fragility curves can be plotted using the function :class:`~wntr.graphics.curve.plot_fragility_curve`. The following example plots a fragility curve with two states (:numref:`fig-fragility2`). .. doctest:: >>> from scipy.stats import lognorm >>> FC = wntr.scenario.FragilityCurve() >>> FC.add_state('Minor', 1, {'Default': lognorm(0.5,scale=0.3)}) >>> FC.add_state('Major', 2, {'Default': lognorm(0.5,scale=0.7)}) >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_fragility_curve(FC, xlabel='Peak Ground Acceleration (g)') .. _fig-fragility2: .. figure:: figures/fragility_curve.png :width: 640 :alt: Fragility curve Fragility curve graphic. Pump curves ----------------- Pump curves can be plotted using the function :class:`~wntr.graphics.curve.plot_pump_curve`. By default, a 2nd order polynomial is included in the graphic. The following example plots a pump curve (:numref:`fig-pump`). .. doctest:: :hide: >>> fig = plt.figure() .. doctest:: >>> pump = wn.get_link('10') >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_pump_curve(pump) .. doctest:: :hide: >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> plt.savefig('plot_pump_curve.png', dpi=300) >>> plt.close() .. _fig-pump: .. figure:: figures/plot_pump_curve.png :width: 640 :alt: Pump curve Pump curve graphic. Tank volume curves ------------------- Tank curves and profiles can be plotted using the function :class:`~wntr.graphics.curve.plot_tank_volume_curve`. The following example creates a tank curve and then plots the curve and corresponding tank profile (:numref:`fig-tank`). The profile is plotted as a stairstep line between points. The minimum and maximum level of the tank is included in the figure. .. doctest:: :hide: >>> fig = plt.figure() .. doctest:: >>> wn.add_curve('Curve', 'VOLUME', [ ... (1, 0), ... (2, 60), ... (3, 188), ... (4, 372), ... (5, 596), ... (6, 848), ... (7, 1114), ... (8, 1379), ... (9, 1631), ... (10, 1856), ... (11, 2039), ... (12, 2168), ... (13, 2228)]) >>> tank = wn.get_node('2') >>> tank.vol_curve_name = 'Curve' >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_tank_volume_curve(tank) .. doctest:: :hide: >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> plt.savefig('plot_tank_volume_curve.png', dpi=300) >>> plt.close() .. _fig-tank: .. figure:: figures/plot_tank_volume_curve.png :width: 800 :alt: Tank curve and profile Tank curve and profile graphic. Valve layers and segments -------------------------- Valve layers and valve segment attributes can be plotted using the function :class:`~wntr.graphics.curve.plot_valve_layer`. The following example starts by generating a valve layer and valve segments. The valves and valve segments are plotted on the network (:numref:`fig-valve_segment`). .. doctest:: :hide: >>> fig = plt.figure() .. doctest:: >>> valve_layer = wntr.network.generate_valve_layer(wn, 'strategic', 2, seed=123) >>> G = wn.to_graph() >>> node_segments, link_segments, seg_sizes = wntr.metrics.topographic.valve_segments(G, ... valve_layer) >>> N = seg_sizes.shape[0] >>> cmap = wntr.graphics.random_colormap(N) # random color map helps view segments >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_network(wn, link_attribute=link_segments, node_size=0, ... link_width=2, node_range=[0,N], link_range=[0,N], node_cmap=cmap, ... link_cmap=cmap, link_colorbar_label='Segment ID') >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_valve_layer(wn, valve_layer, add_colorbar=False, ... include_network=False, ax=ax) .. doctest:: :hide: >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> plt.savefig('plot_valve_segment.png', dpi=300) >>> plt.close() .. _fig-valve_segment: .. figure:: figures/plot_valve_segment.png :width: 640 :alt: Valve segment attributes Valves layer and segments. .. doctest:: :hide: >>> fig = plt.figure() Valve segment attributes are then computed and the number of valves surrounding each valve is plotted on the network (:numref:`fig-valve_segment_attributes`). >>> valve_attributes = wntr.metrics.valve_segment_attributes(valve_layer, node_segments, ... link_segments) >>> ax = wntr.graphics.plot_valve_layer(wn, valve_layer, ... valve_attributes['num_surround'], colorbar_label='Surrounding valves') .. doctest:: :hide: >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> plt.savefig('plot_valve_segment_attributes.png', dpi=300) >>> plt.close() .. _fig-valve_segment_attributes: .. figure:: figures/plot_valve_segment_attributes.png :width: 640 :alt: Valve segment attributes Valve segment attribute showing the number of valves surrounding each valve.